3 Haziran 2009 Çarşamba

Morrissey Sempozyumu

The Irish World Academy ve Limerick Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü tarafından 24 - 25 Nisan'da Moz konulu bir sempozyum düzenlendi. 

Ve ben bunu atladım.

Sempozyumdan konu başlıkları

- “the ‘teenage dad’ and ‘slum mums’ are just ‘certain people i know’: representations of the working / under class in the works of morrissey”

- "adorno meets morrissey: these songs could save our lives."

- “in our different ways we are the same: morrissey and representations of disability”

- “because the music that they constantly play, it says nothing to me about my life:” an analysis of youth's appropriation of morrissey’s sexuality, gender, and identity.

- "‘tough and cold and pale’: morrissey and the skinhead cult

- "‘you have killed me!’ tropes of hyperbole and sentimentality in morrissey’s musical performance"

Moz demişken, dedi ki'deki son haberi de atlamayalım. Zira Deniz'in bahsettiği bu zat benim de "face arkadaşım".

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